Vision: The Promotion of Human Well-Being in Singapore
Mission: To Advance the Research and Practice of Psychology in Singapore

The objectives of the SPS Educational Psychology SIG include the following:

  • To build a community of educational psychologists
  • To provide a platform for sharing of information, developing professional skills and knowledge, group networking, and peer support for educational psychologists

Contact Information

Chairperson: Liza Thia

Co-Chairperson: Margaret Ting

Membership: Kevin Leong / Mifrando Obach

Events: Jae Tan


Started 2017

Educational Psychology SIGS Registration

Member Eligibility Criteria

  • SPS members who possess a Master/Doctoral/Postgraduate qualification in Educational or School Psychology

  • SPS members who are currently undergoing a Master/Doctoral/Postgraduate training in Educational or School Psychology

SPS Membership Type(Required)
Please choose one
If not applicable, please input N/A
Please put “NA” if still studying
Please put “NA” if not applicable
Upon submission of this online registration, please send a copy of your postgraduate certificate to to complete your registration. Thank you.