Vision: The Promotion of Human Well-Being in Singapore
Mission: To Advance the Research and Practice of Psychology in Singapore

To provide a platform to develop professional skills of clinicians who are interested in group psychotherapy, through:

  • Sharing of ideas and resources
  • Sharing of professional development opportunities, e.g. conferences, webinars, group psychotherapy facilitation.
  • Peer support and mentorship
  • To advocate for quality group psychotherapy as a method of treatment that is clinically proven and cost-effective.

Contact Information

Piyali Chakrabarti


Started 2017

Group Psychology SIGS Registration

Member Eligibility Criteria

  • A member of the SPS; and
  • A registered/licensed/certified Psychologist or group psychotherapist, or
  • Possess a Master/Doctoral/Postgraduate qualification, or
  • Currently enrolled as a student in a Master/Doctoral/Postgraduate programme in group psychotherapy
SPS Membership Type(Required)
Please choose one
Please put “NA” if still studying
Please put “NA” if not applicable
Upon submission of this online registration, please send a copy of your postgraduate certificate to to complete your registration. Thank you.