Vision: The Promotion of Human Well-Being in Singapore
Mission: To Advance the Research and Practice of Psychology in Singapore

The Singapore Register of Psychologist (SRP) is a voluntary register with 2 main aims:

  1. To protect the welfare of the users of psychological services.
  2. To maintain and advance the professional standards of psychological service providers.

The SRP seeks to ensure the service quality of Registered Psychologist through a voluntary regulatory system that promotes transparency, accountability and professionalism in psychological services. Although registration is not yet mandatory for practice in Singapore, registration does have two benefits:

Professional Recognition

The status of a Registered Psychologist affirms that a psychologist has achieved a professional standard of ethical practice recognized by the SPS. Prior to obtaining an official approval from the SPS, applicants must refrain from using the title of a ‘Registered Psychologist (Singapore)’. Increasingly, institutions are hiring only psychologists who are registered or eligible for registration. In addition, the SRP directory serves as a basis of referrals for various professionals and service users. A published list of members of the SRP can be found on the SPS website (

Professional Development at Reduced Rates

Registered Psychologists are entitled to reduced registration fees for Professional Development activities organised by the SPS.

What is required to be registered?

Applicants must meet 2 sets of criteria to qualify (expand each point):

Criteria 1:

A minimum of a 2-year full-time programme or part-time equivalent of a graduate applied psychology programme with relevant coursework and supervised practicum.

The relevant psychology accreditation bodies in the country or region in which the institution operates must accredit the degree earned. Degrees in psychology that do not have an applied focus will not qualify (e.g. research degrees, coursework that is strictly theoretical).

Please ensure that you have a SPS membership number, or are currently applying for SPS membership before your apply for SRP.


Criteria 2:

For Clinical, Educational, Counselling, Forensic and Neuropsychology, at least some supervised practicum hours must be completed within the postgraduate programme. Any additional hours that are needed for this application after graduation must be obtained by an approved SRP supervisor (please refer to the Approved Supervisor Directory on the website). Please note that the accumulation of additional hours (supervised by an approved SRP supervisor) is only applicable after graduation from the postgraduate programme.

For Occupational/Industrial Organisational (IO) psychology, practised hours that are obtained after postgraduate must be obtained by a supervisor who is eligible to apply for SRP approved supervisor. (Please refer to the Approved Supervisor criteria on the SPS website)

How do i apply?

If you are a qualified psychologist registering for the first time, please have the following documents ready to facilitate the ease of online application.

  • Completed application form (online application)
  • Full SPS Membership (e.g., SPS Membership Number)
  • *Certified true copies of all transcripts and certificates
  • *Certified true copies of Practicum/Supervision Hours OR certified true copies of documents verifying that you are/were a licensed psychologist practicing as a professional psychologist in: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America.
  • One copy of NRIC or passport (scanned in)
  • One passport sized photograph (scanned in)
  • Two character reference forms (Download). Please upload these forms in your online application.
  • Application fee of $100 (made payable to the Singapore Psychological Society). Please follow the payment instructions when submitting your application (Paypal preferred).

*Certified true copy of the original means that the copy must be stamped and signed by the issuing university or institute of higher learning, or notary public, or government body or restructured hospital.  Each copy must be certified and clearly indicate the name and address of the certifying officer.  A stamp stating only “True copy certified” will not be accepted.

Important information

Current SPS Members
If you are currently a SPS member and would like to apply for SRP, please login to your website account first if you have a username and password and follow the instructions on the online form.

If you do not have a login, just use the online form below and follow instructions for registration. We will create a login for you once your membership is approved

Non-SPS members
Please ensure that you have a SPS membership number, or are currently applying for SPS membership before you apply for SRP. You may also apply for SPS and SRP. When this is approved, you will have a username and password upon signing up for SPS membership.

When this is approved, login to your account before applying for SRP membership. This will ensure that your email address is tied to both memberships.

Notification of Registration Status

Successful applicants will be notified by email followed by post. They will receive the following:

  • Certificate of Registration (suitable for framing and display at the place of professional practice)
  • SRP registration number
  • Effective period of the registration
  • Permission to use the title “Registered Psychologist”

Unsuccessful applicants will receive notification by email only. Details concerning what they must do to be approved for registration will be provided in the email.

NOTE: Applicants must refrain from using the title of a ‘Registered Psychologist (Singapore)’ until they have received official notification of their status via email.

Renewal of SRP Registration

All Registered Psychologists must renew their registration on an annual basis by paying the annual dues of $200.00 (SGD), consisting of both SPS ($100) and SRP ($100) membership fees. Failure to renew on time will result in a $50 late processing fees.  Failure to renew registration beyond one year will result in automatic de-registration.  However, you are welcome to register as a new applicant at any point in time.

Professional development is required for continued registration as a psychologist in Singapore. 60 hours of professional development are required every two years. Documentation of this training must be submitted in December of odd numbered years with the PD log form. Psychologists are advised to keep this log up to date to be ready to submit it when requested in the PD review year. All SRP members will be notified in October when PD logs are requested in December of odd numbered years.

Code of Professional Ethics

Registered Psychologists must uphold and maintain the SPS Code of Professional Ethics. Of particular importance is that they provide services only in their respective areas of competence. Disciplinary measures may be taken by the SPS Council toward any members who violate the Code of Professional Ethics.

Code of Professional Ethics

Registered Psychologists must uphold and maintain the SPS Code of Professional Ethics. Of particular importance is that they provide services only in their respective areas of competence. Disciplinary measures may be taken by the SPS Council toward any members who violate the Code of Professional Ethics.

SRP Register

The SRP is a public document that contains the following information on the Registered Psychologists: names and e-mail addresses. To update any of your details, you may contact the secretariat of the SPS.


Online Registration

Yearly SRP Membership Fees: $100

1 time admin fee: $50

Online Application for SRP Membership

Manual Registration

Yearly SRP Membership Fees: $100

1 time admin fee: $50

Manual Form for SRP membership (Only to be used when online form is not available.)