Vision: The Promotion of Human Well-Being in Singapore
Mission: To Advance the Research and Practice of Psychology in Singapore

  • [7 July 2025] A One-day online Workshop by Mark Donovan (MClinPsych MAPS MACPA)
    July 8, 2025
    12:00 am

Supervisor Masterclass – Group Supervision and Reflective Practice

A One-day online Workshop by Mark Donovan (MClinPsych MAPS MACPA)

Date: 7th July 2025 (Registrations close 5th April 2025)

Effective clinical supervision is one of the primary ingredients in helping mental-health practitioners serve their clients, as well as grow in their professional skills. Experienced supervisors therefore also need to continue building on their supervisory skills, to remain effective and relevant.


This workshop reviews the basic components of supervision, locates group supervision and reflective practice within a competency-based framework, introduces evidence-based and practice-informed principles of group process and group supervision, and provides participants with a framework for (peer) group supervision practice, together with opportunity for experiential exercises via video platform break-out rooms to consolidate learning into everyday supervisory practice. This workshop also considers best practice guidelines for providing group supervision via telephone / video conferencing (teleconferencing).

At the completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the principles underlying group supervision and reflective practice within a competency-based approach to supervision
  • Demonstrate knowledge of evidence-based and practice-informed principles of processes within group supervision via video platform
  • Demonstrate skills in establishing a peer supervision group, and then leading group participants through a number of group supervision tasks via video platform
  • Demonstrate the use of reflective feedback and evaluation of group process via video platform
  • Describe best practice guidelines for providing supervision via teleconferencing

The activities for the day-long workshop will include;

  • Discussion of participants workshop goals and relevant previous experience
  • Small group discussions of key concepts via video platform
  • Interactive didactic presentation of evidence-based content
  • Live demonstrations
  • Experiential peer group activities via video platform ‘break-out’ rooms
  • Larger group reflections of key content and learnings from exercises

Participants of this workshop will be required to do pre-reading of key readings, and prepare reflective material from participant’s own supervisory experience (one page Notable Incident)

Those who complete this workshop would be eligible to record 6 Professional Development (PD) hours into their current PD logs, and for their SRP Approved Supervisor Renewal of Membership.

The Trainer:

Mark Donovan is lead-trainer and co-partner of the Reflective Supervision Team. Mark currently provides training and supervision, development and implementation of competency-based supervision to many organisations, government departments and practitioners while he completed his PhD. He had previously worked as Director at Northfields Clinic, within the School of Psychology at the University of Wollongong, where he trained and supervised the next generation of clinical and professional psychologists while managing a mental health clinic. Mark has worked for 30 years in clinical practice, academic settings in Australia and the UK, in public and private sector organizations and has specialized in working with children and families.



This event is open to SRP Approved Supervisors and non-SPS members who are clinical supervisors in the mental-health sector. Participants should possess minimally, a Post-Graduate Degree in Psychology or Counselling. 

To register:

Write to

Full Name:
SPS Membership Number (Optional):
SRP Membership Number (Optional):
Company Name:
Area of Specialization:
Number of Seats:

Workshop Fees:

The fees for the event are as follows:
$280 SPS members
$350 non-SPS members 

Registration for this workshop is on a first-come first-served basis, and will close on 5th April 2025.

Details Price Qty
Free Ticket $0.00 (SGD)   Goes On Sale
July 8, 2025

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso