Vision: The Promotion of Human Well-Being in Singapore
Mission: To Advance the Research and Practice of Psychology in Singapore

Effective June, 2017, all psychologists applying for SRP registration must be supervised by SRP approved supervisors for supervision hours they clock beyond those completed in their post graduate training. To be considered as an approved supervisor, psychologists should complete this application form and submit it to the secretariat via email along with a one-time $50 application fee. Eligibility criteria for approval are provided below. The SRP committee reviews applications ongoing and aims to notify applicants of their status within 30 days.

Note that registration as an approved supervisor is valid for 5 years, after which it must be renewed. Supervisors are notified by email of the need to renew 6 months prior to the renewal deadline. It is therefore imperative that SRP members notify the secretariat when their email address changes. The SRP will not be responsible for the failure of its members to notify the secretariat of changes in email addresses.

Criteria for Eligibility as an Approved Supervisor:

  1. 5 years of relevant working experience during which the person is eligible for SRP membership or is already a member of SRP.
  2. **Must be a current registered member of SRP.
  3. One year of working experience in the Singapore context as a Psychologist.
  4. Has experience in the supervisee’s area of practice.

** (Please do not apply for approved supervisor membership until your SRP membership application has been approved.)

Renewal of Supervisor Status

As of June 2017, all SRP registered supervisors are required to renew their registration every 5 years, when the validity of the previous registration ceases.

Renewal requires these two conditions:

  1. Documentation that you have conducted a minimum of 100 hours of Clinical supervision.
  2. Documentation that you have completed some formal training in Clinical supervision. This can be in the form of a workshop locally or an online course (e.g., APA, APS) or engaging a qualified supervisor to provide you with individual supervision.
  • Soft copy of your clinical supervision log
  • Signed and dated letter from your supervisor or Head verifying that you completed at least 100 hours of clinical supervision as part of your work assignment
  • Receipt of payment for training course. Include name of course, dates, and instructor name and credentials.
  • Soft copy of certificate validating your participation in a supervision training course. This must include name and credential of instructor.
  • Signed, written letter from your supervisor or administrator/Head verifying that you participated in a training course. Include name of course, name of instructor and instructor’s credentials. 
  • Soft copy of your own log for supervision of your supervision, signed and dated by your supervisor.

Online Registration

Manual Registration

1 time admin fee: $50

Manual Form for Supervisor Application Form (Only to be used when online form is not available.)